What are some health and fitness goals that you can set for yourself?
Health and fitness is part of almost everyone’s New Year’s resolutions. But the determination only seems to last for a couple of months. After that, you are back to where you were the previous year.
The problem is that since the motivation is so high during the beginning of the year that you make very high promises, Promises which are hard to keep up with. Therefore you need to aim for reasonable and achievable goals.
Goals that can be worked on and will give you the result that you want
Sugar –
Sweet items are a weakness for everyone. It is hard to resist when something as delicious as an ice cream cake is sitting in front of you. Having a few sugary treats once in a while is okay. But most people have a hard time controlling themselves.
Reducing sugar intake is good for both your health and fitness. You will be saving money and improving your health. You must remember to not try to completely remove sugar from your diet. Abruptly stopping the intake of sugar can cause sugar withdrawal symptoms.
You will crave sugar more than usual. And then you may end up eating more than you normally would.
Swimming –
Swimming is a great exercise for good health and fitness if you can keep up with it. It works most of your muscles and helps in maintaining overall fitness. You are more likely to lose weight if you swim for 30 minutes 3 times a week than if you spend the same time walking.
Therefore, if losing body weight is one of your goals, then swimming should be something you can be interested in. And if you did not have a chance to learn swimming before then take this as a sign to learn this important life skill.
Stairs –
A simple way to keep in shape and fit is to take the stairs. Whenever you can, use the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Sometimes it is not about taking out a chunk of time from your schedule to go to the gym.
Everyone has a busy lifestyle nowadays, and it can be difficult to schedule workouts every other day. So, you need to adapt to it. You encounter a flight of stairs at work, home or even a restaurant. So instead of taking the easy way up, climb the stairs. These are the little things that can make a difference in relation to your health and fitness.
Sleep –
Another step that people easily overlook when they are planning ways is to maintain their health and fitness. Somehow people are convinced that if there is one thing they can compromise on from time to time, it is sleep. It often gets neglected among other priorities.
Cutting down on your sleep hours will affect your productivity levels during the day. You need to rest well for at least 7 – 9 hours to feel refreshed and ready for the day. Sleep helps your body to rejuvenate and prepare itself for the next day.
If you have trouble sleeping, then creating a calming atmosphere before sleep can help with it. Your nighttime routine must not include any electronics. Instead, you must focus on creating a skincare routine to follow before bed. Or you can read a book or listen to mellow music to calm your mind.
Stretching –
If you are someone who does not like to engage in heavy workouts, then stretching is the way out for you. Without straining yourself too much, you can get the required amount of movement in your daily life. Stretching is very important before any kind of workout.
More than anything, it will help you relax or get energized. So you can stretch for a few minutes after you wake up and before you go to bed.
These are some of the health and fitness tips that you can use to keep your New Year’s resolution or any resolution for that matter. It does not need to be that. You just need to commit to yourself one that you will not give up on midway.
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